Change up your WFH routine

>>Remote working is about delivering on objectives, about finding ways of working that drive your personal productivity. But to remain productive it’s important to evolve your ways of working by experimenting to see what works best for you.<<

When I first started working from home full-time, not the enforced lockdown version, the time when I had the choice to work remotely, I quickly fell into a routine that was similar to the way I worked in an office. Same routine, different location, the only real difference was the lack of a commute.

I then realised I had fallen into a rut and hadn't really questioned or tested what really worked for me. So I made the conscious effort to test different ways of working. Different schedules, different sequences, even different locations. It wasn’t quite A/B testing, but one week I would change meeting schedules, or focus times, the next week I’d revert to my previous way of working. I didn’t really have a quantitative way of measuring productivity as that was difficult given the nature of my role - leading global teams - but from a qualitative perspective I knew what worked, and most importantly what didn’.

In her excellent article ‘Is it Time to Shake Up Your WFH Routine’, author Elizabeth Grace Saunders outlines three key downfalls of a WFH routine that isn’t working, and provides simple and effective actions you can take to tip the balance back to productivity. Another recommended read for those of you continually looking for ways to evolve your ways of working, and if anything shake up your routine just to add a little spice to your days.


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Supporting remote workers