Remote…the future of business?

>>For many remote working will be their future of work, but for those with more of an entrepreneurial spirit remote will also be the future of business.<<

For those who want to take one step further, not just working remotely but building your own remote first business, I highly recommend you read ‘Entrepreneur Revolution’ by Daniel Priestly.

The book is a fascinating read and really resonated with me, at a time when I was questioning if I wanted to continue working for others, or if it was the time to channel my time and passion into a venture of my own.

One particular idea that is relevant to those of us living the remote revolution, is the concept of Global Small Businesses (GSBs).

In the words of Daniel Priestly…

Not too long from now, almost every business will be a multinational. Tiny little businesses will behave big. There will be millions of “global small businesses.”

The global small business (GSB) isn’t like a big global business, and neither is it like a traditional small business. As the name suggests, this is a business that typically has less than 20 staff but isn’t limited by geography. It can reach into cities all over the world and can easily be making millions in sales despite a relatively small headcount

Key elements of GSBs include (summarised by me for brevity):.

  1. They will have incredibly well developed brands

  2. They can function in the tiniest of niches and go miles deep with its clients

  3. They will be great with digital media.

  4. They will revolve around the special talents of a few key people of influence.

  5. They will outsource almost every function that is not clearly creating value.

  6. Teams might not be in the same geographical location.

  7. They will communicate on instant messaging platforms, market themselves using social media, manage their operations in the cloud

  8. They will have their top talent working from home offices (or third spaces)

  9. Due to multiple time zones the edges of work and play will blur

  10. Performance will be more important than hours clocked – “the only truth is the results” is the new mantra for managing employees of GSBs.

All of this is made possible by the times we are in. The foundations have been laid for people like yourself to unfold your passion into a highly functional business that delivers a ton of value to the world.

Even if you are not ready to make the leap from your current career, the book will open your mind to new ways of working, creating and living so is a must read. I suppose for me work > 2 > people is my first step towards building a GSB of my own. We’ll see if it grows into a GSB, or is simply a side project that provides me with a channel to share my thoughts, ideas and learnings around all things remote working.


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